
Which Nursing School Pathway is Right For You?

Traditional Vs Accelerated Nursing School Pathways

When you have your heart set on becoming a nurse, you will need to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Before deciding which nursing school to attend, you need to determine whether you would like to be part of a traditional or accelerated program. Both programs can provide you with the same quality education and experience to prepare you for the field of nursing. The main difference is in the timeline, so you will need to examine your individual needs to choose the right program.


Advanced eClinical Training has the convenient online Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) course you need to prepare for your nursing school program. With our affordable, self-paced course, you can get the certification you need on a schedule that works for you. Speak with a program director online or by phone to find out more about how we make CPCT certification accessible for busy pre-nursing students.

What to Expect From a Traditional Nursing School Program

Nurses are in high demand, and the field will continue to grow as the population ages. While not all organizations will require you to have a BSN, many are now seeking accreditation and raising their standards for their nurses. Obtaining your BSN will give you an edge over the competition and increase your job security. If you enroll in a traditional nursing program, here is what you can expect:

  • You will attend a standard four-year baccalaureate program.
  • You will have a typical full-time course load.
  • You will not be required to have any other college education before entering into the traditional BSN program.

How Is an Accelerated Nursing School Program Different Than a Traditional Program?

A traditional nursing school program may not work for everyone’s needs. Each person comes into nursing from a different place in life, so the accelerated program was designed to offer flexibility in earning your BSN. If the idea of attending four years of nursing school does not seem like the best fit for you, you may be interested in learning how an accelerated nursing school program works:

  • You will attend school for one year.
  • Your course load will resemble that of a full-time job.
  • You will have already earned an associate’s or bachelor’s degree before entering the accelerated BSN program.

How to Choose Between Accelerated vs. Traditional Nursing School

Deciding between a traditional or accelerated nursing program is a personal choice based on your situation. To help you decide which program is right for you, consider the following questions:

  • How much time can you commit to your nursing program coursework? While you can complete your education faster with an accelerated nursing program, you will also need to devote the majority of your time to your coursework during that year. If you have family obligations or need to hold down a job during nursing school, a traditional nursing program may be better for you.
  • Do you have strong time management skills? To accommodate the higher intensity of the accelerated course schedule, you will likely need to complete a lot of your work online. To succeed in this type of program, you will need to be organized, a self-starter, and manage stress well.
  • Do you have prior college education? While an accelerated program can help you get started with nursing faster, it requires previous college experience.

Other Nursing School Options

Advanced eClinical Training: Helping Boost Your Future Nursing Career

Whether you choose an accelerated or a traditional nursing program, Advanced eClinical Training can help prepare you for your nursing career with our Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) training and certification course for pre-health students. This 8-week program is conveniently offered as a self-paced online course that will provide you with the necessary skills for high-quality patient care. Make your nursing school application stand out from the crowd with a nationally accredited CPCT certification. Enroll today to get started. 

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