Build Your Talent Pipeline by Becoming an ACT Externship Site

Welcome Fully-Certified Allied Health Professionals for 5-week training blocks.

The caliber of our students:

4000+ Graduates

97% Exam Pass Rate

100% Employment Rate

ACT's Clinical Placement Process

Tell Us About Your Facility

Choose which Allied Health Professionals you’d like to train.

Get Matched

Liaise with Externship Coordinators for potential students.

Welcome Student for 5-Weeks

Give clinical opportunities to recently certified graduates looking for hands-on experience.

What Sets ACT Students Apart


Our students already hold a nationally-recognized credential before arriving in any clinical setting. This difference protects you from any liability issues.


Clinical placements are optional for ACT students. That means every student who comes to your clinic chooses to be there.


Both you and your ACT student have access to our support team 24/7. Our externship coordinators are never more than a phone call away.

Proactively Build Your Talent Pipeline

During a healthcare worker shortage, you can easily end up with inadequate staffing levels. By becoming a training site, you could have a constant flow of potential employees coming into your medical facility. Plus, students often choose to accept jobs from their clinical placements. 

Get a jumpstart on staffing by providing placements for practice students

Try Before You Hire

Even during a staffing shortage, you do not want a poor culture-fit in your organization. Your new employee may be able to perform the clinical skills, but they will negatively impact your healthcare team. 5-week training blocks give you the opportunity to see if a potential employee is both skilled and a great team member. 

Discover if a potential employee fits your medical facility’s culture.

Stop Competing Over New Talent

Currently, most medical employers place local job ads. On average, it takes 59.5 days to fill healthcare positions. Instead of waiting for candidates to answer your job ad, you could welcome ACT students into your clinic. We draw from a country-wide talent pool. 

Hire recent graduates before they’ve even looked at a job ad.

Draw from ACT's wider talent pool to craft your own pipeline.

Schedule a meeting to discuss welcoming newly-certified Allied Health Professionals to your clinic.

Call (904) 607-5090 to learn how to become an ACT externship site.

Available from 8:00AM – 7:00PM Monday to Friday.

Partnering with ACT is a Win-Win

Employee Retention Benefits

  • Support your permanent staff with assistance from fully-certified, new graduates.
  • Engage permanent staff in meaningful work by giving them the opportunity to train a new generation.
  • Lower the high cost of employee turnover.

Build Your Own Talent Pipeline

  • Lower recruitment costs by hiring your practice students.
  • Reduce onboarding needs because you can onboard new staff during their 5-week externship.
  • Impress potential employees with your work environment during their clinical placement.

Inquire Now

Fill up the form below for us to assist you with your inquiries.